07/06/2021 by Finnian Doyle
Business interruption claims during Covid19 Crisis.
Business interruption claims during Covid19 Crisis.
The following is an account of current claims by Publicans against F.B.D. Insurance company;
Webp.net resizeimage 4Pressure is mounting on insurer FBD after businesses issue High Court proceedings against the company.The company behind Lemon& Duke, a pub in Dublin city centre, has launched a legal action against insurer FBD.
Mr Anderson is the incoming chairman of the Licensed Vintners Association (LVA) and has been outspoken about Ireland's insurance crisis, campaigning for premiums to be lowered. He collaborated with some of Ireland's most prominent rugby stars to open Lemon & Duke in 2016.
FBD is the biggest insurer to the licensed trade in Ireland. It is estimated that around 1,300 members of the LVA and the Vintners Federation of Ireland (VFI), which represent pubs in the Dublin area and nationwide respectively, are insured by FBD.
One of Ireland's most famous pubs became the latest business to issue High Court proceedings against the company. Sean's Bar, in Athlone, Co Westmeath, is taking action against FBD over its refusal to pay clients for business interruption claims during the Covid-19 crisis. Mr Sean Hanley said FBD informed him it would be "unreasonable" to expect the company to pay out on business interruption claims regarding Covid-19.
"The bizarre thing is they have exclusions in their policies, such as you can't claim in the event of a terrorist attack or a sonic boom, but there is no mention of a pandemic”.
Meanwhile, the Alliance for Insurance Reform has confirmed that Drury Porter Novelli, the firm handling its public relations, has notified the group it would no longer be doing so "due to a conflict of interests" because it was now handling PR duties for FBD.
Peter Boland, director of the Alliance Insurance Reform, said: "We note the development, but FBD have a serious case to answer with many of our members and they would be better resolving the situation quickly and fairly.
"No amount of PR and advertising will change that”. Adding "Drury are leaving us on good terms, it was a conflict of interests," he added. While Drury Porter Novelli when asked to comment, said it could not discuss client matters”.
Doyle and Company's advice to our clients is to examine their business/office/workplace policies. Particular emphasis being applied to the business interruption clause. Older policies, include cover in the cases of pandemics. In later years Insurance clauses excluded such eventualities.
Doyle and Company has initiated claims against several reluctant insurance companies. We have been shocked at the reaction to the legitimate business interruption claims. Insurance companies are effectively saying ”If we pay out on these claims we will go under!” “We are not doing that, so take your chances in Court.”
Doyle and Company is ready to take instructions, We will;
Use the best insurance professionals to interpret the clause or clauses.
Advise as to whether you have a legitimate claim.
If you have a claim, we will help collate your claim under various headings e.g loss of earnings, inability to pay rent, loss of profits etc.
Contact us at our Cabra Office by FreePhone 1800 644 444 or 01 838 33 88 and our Blanchardstown Office by FreePhone 1800 909 222 or 01 820 06661