07/06/2021 by doyleadmin
Doyle & Company LLP
Doyle & Company LLP
Re: Doyle & Company LLP – New Structure of the Firm
Dear valued client,
We are writing to announce a change in the legal structure of Doyle & Company LLP.
Doyle & Company
Since 1982, the Firm’s founder Mr. Finnian G. Doyle has been trading as a sole trader under the name of Doyle & Company. The business trades from both premises at 123 Cabra Road, Dublin 7 and 1 Main Street, Blanchardstown, Dublin 15.
This year Caolán Doyle has become a Partner of the Firm and the Firm will now trade as a Partnership. Finnian Doyle remains as the Managing Partner.
The Legal Services Regulatory Authority has authorised Doyle & Company to operate as a Limited Liability Partnership (hereinafter “LLP”) and the firm commenced as an LLP on the 31 August 2020.
Doyle & Company LLP
Since the 31 August 2020, the firm now trades under the name Doyle & Company LLP. As per Section 123 of the Legal Services Regulation Act 2015 the following applies to the firm:
(i) Subject to exemptions listed in the act, as of the relevant date (31 August 2020), a Partner in the LLP has no personal liability for any debts, liabilities, or obligations which are incurred for the purposes of carrying on the business of the LLP (whether these are liabilities of the LLP, of himself or herself, or another Partner or Partners in the LLP or of any employee, agent or representative of the LLP) and however such liability may arise;
(ii) In relation to (i) above, this only relates to the personal liability of Partners and does not prevent or restrict the enforcement against the property of the LLP or any debts, liabilities, or obligations.
(iii) From the relevant date (31 August 2020) the Partnership Act of 1890 applies to the LLP, to the extent that it is not inconsistent with chapter 3 of part 8 of the Legal Services Regulation Act 2015.
Doyle & Company LLP is a Member of the Law Society of Ireland and is regulated by the Legal Services Authority and will continue to maintain this status. Our Professional Indemnity Insurers have been notified of the change and there will be no change to our Insurance Cover.
If you have any query in relation to the above, please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Caolan Doyle of these offices on (01) 8383388.
Yours faithfully,